Ball Handles
These always seem to be a pain to make and this is made worse by the fact
that the Quorn has 19 of the things, 10 large ones and 9 smaller ones.
Making the handles is a time consuming job due to the amount of machining
required. Each length of 3/4" bar for the large handles starts by weighing in at 150 grams, this reduces
to 38g after all the maching ops - around a quarter!
15-Apr-06: 10 blanks for the large ball handles. Out of the 10, only
5 actually made it as handles with the remainder being destroyed along the way.
Another batch will be required... |
Machining the smaller end of the handle. This is an easy job with the
spherical turning tool. |
The smaller ends have been machined, now to do the larger ends. |
Turning the shank to size. The larger ball is held by a special
collar in the chuck while the smaller ball is held in a home made female
centre. The taper needs to be turned using the top slide at an angle rather than
by putting the tailstock off centre. |
16-Apr-06: The blanks for the smaller ball handles just before the
spherical turning. |
23-Jul-06: This is the last of the handles, the second batch of large
handles to replace the handles that were wrecked earlier on. None of these
were ruined, so I have a couple of spare large and small handles. I'm glad
this job is done, it took 26hrs in total to make all the handles although 8 hours of
that was re-doing the ones that were ruined. |