This section details the base of the grinder, including the tooth rest.
01-Apr-06: Facing the ends of each bar. The front bar also has a hole drilled to take
an internal spring. |
Facing the underside of the castings. Both the left and right base
castings have been joined with epoxy and will be machined together. |
Drilling out the holes for the bars to 15/16" as this is the biggest
drill bit I have which is under an inch diameter. |
Line boring the holes to size for the front and back bars. This is not
an easy task and I ended up with the hole for the front bar being 0.0015" oversize where
less than a thou would have been ideal. A quick trip into the kiln at
500 degrees C destroys the epoxy resin and the two castings come apart. |
08-Apr-06: I've made an executive decision to use split cotters where possible -
these worked really well on the Universal Pillar Tool and other Quorn builders
report a preference for them over the "slit and nip" style. A 1" diameter
piece of steel bar is in place to allow the hole to be drilled straight. |
Using the boring bar to bring things to size. The final hole size ended up at
9/16" in diameter. |
09-Apr-06: The base castings have had craters filled with polyester two-pack filler and a
good going over with acrylic high build spray primer. Top coat is Carplan
Silver-05 which is a graphite metallic colour. |
The base castings and bars have now been assembled. |
14-Apr-06: Producing the feed screw or micrometer as it's sometimes referred
to in the book. The thimble is being graduated along the 30 degree section using the
Hemingway graduating tool. |
Indexing is being provided by the Versatile
Dividing Head to get the 50 graduations around the thimble. |
The feed screw in place, which had to have a tiny skim off the inside of the
thimble to prevent it sticking. No numeric graduations on it for now, I have
the gear to do this but I'm leaving this until I get a four axis CNC setup to
do a really nice job on it.
A "zero" drawn with a Sharpie will do for now... |
17-Apr-06: The column was screwed by Model Engineering Services, although
their machining didn't include the vertical slot. I only picked up on this after
the column was glued into the base, necessitating the bizarre arrangement here to
machine the slot. |
The first of the ball handles in place. A brass split cotter has
been used and the operation is first class - well worth the extra time and effort to
make them. |
22-Apr-06: One of the two split cotters that are used for the toothrest
clamp. Where possible, split cotters are being used due to the superior action
over the normal pinch bolt. The right hand part of the cotter has been
tapped 2BA and the bolt screwed and glued into it. |
Tooth rest is now complete with 3/8" diameter cotters, and so is the base. Not shown in the pictures
but a couple of seal covers have been made up to keep grit out of where the front
bar passes through the base. |