Duncans Metal Pages
HK1500 Versatile Dividing Head
Last updated: 30 Nov 2016


A: Prerequisites
B: Casting
C: Basic head
D: Simple indexing
Micro attachment
X: Accessorties

VDHA versatile dividing head for the lathe and milling machine.  This kit has been ordered from Hemingway, and some pics will go up when it arrives.  More soon...

WT To make the Versatile Dividing Head, the book is required "Workshop Techniques" by Geo. H. Thomas, ISBN 1 85761 106 3 from Tee Publishing.  It also contains details of the Universal Pillar Tool, and a number of sections devoted to dividing and graduating.
Delivery 03-Feb-2005: The package has arrived and contains a large number of raw materials, all well packed.  Not only do the correct gears come with the kit, the worms are already pre-machined too.  Division plate blanks are 'to follow', although they won't be needed until later on.  Will wait a little while until I get the UPT finished before starting on this one.

Building the dividing head

Prerequisites Prerequisites: A number of items that need to be made up before the main machining of the head takes place.
Casting Head casting: The main casting - quite a few operations are required on this, and accuracy is important...
Basic head Finishing the basic head: This section completes the spindle and other items to make the basic dividing head.
Simple indexing Simple indexing: Taking the dividing head to the stage where it can index off pre-drilled plates.
Micro attachment Micro attachment: This is the finishing touch which allows the dividing head to deal with whacky numbers and large primes.


Accessories Accessories: There are plenty of accessories that can be made for the VDH.  Some of them need to be made up to make the head in the first place, and are listed here.

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Warning: These pages consist of images and descriptions of equipment which can reach high temperatures creating hazardous and potentially dangerous situations.  These pages should not be taken as a step by step guide on how to construct any items or carry out any particular procedure, nor should any references to safety contained herein be taken to guarantee safety in all situations.