The workshop is the single garage for the house, and over the years has just
filled up with more and more junk. There is a couple of square feet of bench area, a lathe, and lots of
stuff piled up on the floor. Coupled with two electrical outlets to service the whole area, something had to be done...
End Wall
This is where I started first, the end wall. The garage is 17' x 10' (5.1m x 3.0m), and a bench was
required to fit the full 10'. There's a door at the end, but this has not been used for 17 years so I'm just going to build in
front of it.
16-Aug-2003: Here's the end wall, everything is cluttered up. The only workspace is
the small bench, moments earlier the milling machine was on here too...
A slight clearout to make room, and the work can commence with a rail to hang the bench from.
M10 bolts will hold the wood to the brickwork.
Some offcuts of floor joist from a building job are used to make the legs.
17-Aug-2003: It now looks like a bench!
24-Aug-2003: The painting starts, along with the first of the new electrical outlets.
A new consumer box, twenty extra outlets, and new fluorescent lights will be added.
This all looks a lot tidier that the first picture above.
25-Aug-2003: Electrical mayhem. This is the left hand wall on which the new
consumer box is placed. This was probably the worst part of the job as the working lights had to come down so the
new lights could go up.
29-Aug-2003: Nearly done, just need some cupboard doors. All the wiring and lighting is
done so at least I have good light to work by and power wherever it's needed.
Left Wall
The washing machine and tumble drier sit here,
I wanted a "dirty bench" here - grinding, punching, hammering, pressing -
all the heavy duty or unclean jobs can then be confined to one bench.
13-Sep-2003: The flimsy sheet of contiboard over the washing machine and drier has been
Another wall plate just to hang everything on to.
14-Sep-2003: Bench is done, a board has been bolted to the wall to build the cupboard around.
30-Sep-2003: Taking time, but it's getting there...
Right Wall
The lathe sits on the right wall, but there is room for another 8 foot long
bench and some cupboards.
02-Nov-2003: Another mess that needs a magic wand waved over it... The metal
cabinet is going, the contents of it are now stored in the cupboards under the bench on the end wall.
08-Nov-2003: Bench is now in, although the interior still needs to be fitted out.
09-Nov-2003: Some progress with the cupboards too.