Duncans Metal Pages
Quick change toolpost
Last updated: 25 Sep 2017


Here's a quick change toolpost I've been making, courtesy of the cheap foundry.  Any of the pics can be clicked for a full size version.

12-Oct-2002: I've made up a tool from some Stubs silver steel to cut a 60 degree dovetail.  It's a very basic tool and surprisingly, it works well.
This is a casting for the tool holder.  Another (larger) casting was used to make the quick change toolpost body (see below).

This was carried out as an "open" casting, i.e. just a square hole in the sand.

This is the quick change toolpost body, it weighs about 450gm (about a pound).  It's based on a neat QCTP idea which you can see by clicking here.  If you check the web link, I thought it was a bit crowded on the top so I spun the operating lever 90 degrees so it was facing the operator.

Where the actuating cam feeds through the body, I've put some brass bushes in there so it should last for quite a while.

Here's the finished article - rough is the key word here although it works well.  I now have to work out a way of casting a number of tool holders all at the same time as one holder is not much use.

Perhaps a plaster mould?  This would at least get the size pretty accurate to minimise the amount of machining.

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