Jacobs favoured a pulley system using overhead shafts
for driving his gear cutting machine. I don't have a pulley system in my workshop,
so some more up to date means of driving the machine are required.
A small induction motor is the favoured approach,
along with some safety items such as a No Volt Release switch, maybe a panic
button too.
06-May-2003: Thanks to Charles Ping from
the uk.rec.models.engineering newsgroup, I now have a
motor. It's a 1/4hp 2 pole split-phase induction motor made by Crompton Parkinson.
Just trying to figure out the windings and gizmo's on it, will dismantle
and give it a coat of paint. Pretty sure that the T on the motor is the mains in
for a thermal cutout, the two unknown purple wires only measure 0.3 ohms across so unlikely to be a winding. Taking the motor apart will answer that question...
10-May-2003: Taking it apart showed that the purple wires were indeed
for a thermal cutout. The motor has been cleaned, painted, bearings checked etc. It runs smooth and
quiet, so plenty of life left in it.