Duncans Metal Pages
Mini foundry
Last updated: 05 Dec 2016



I haven't made any castings for a long time, since my schooldays in fact, so I've decided to try my hand at making a small furnace for melting aluminium.

There are also a lot of excellent websites out there, check the project links pages.  In particular, check out BackyardMetalcasting.com, where the inspiration for the two bucket furnace came from.


The two bucket furnace is soon going to be joined by a furnace made from a recycled oil can. Now the furnace is operational, some tools and accessories are required.  The crucible seemed a good place to start, followed by an ingot tray, and now a wooden flask.

Furnace Tools


This is the first attempt at casting.  A mess... Charcoal is out, propane is in.  Two different types of burners are featured, both work well.



These pages are maintained by Duncan Munro.  All content on this site is Copyright ©2002-2025 Duncan Amplification.
Warning: These pages consist of images and descriptions of equipment which can reach high temperatures creating hazardous and potentially dangerous situations.  These pages should not be taken as a step by step guide on how to construct any items or carry out any particular procedure, nor should any references to safety contained herein be taken to guarantee safety in all situations.