Casting Iron - Just seeing if I could actually do it, things turned out better than expected.
The first attempt failed, trying to melt wrought iron instead of cast iron. This stuff melts at a much higher temperature than
cast iron, and resulted in a lot of propane going up in smoke and minor damage to the furnace lining. Attempt #2 was much
more fun and is pictured here.
Shown below are some video clips, click on any one of them to download the video (2720kb).
7-Sep-2003: It's getting hot in here... 1260 deg C is only scratching the surface,
around 1350 is needed for a good melt and to stop the stuff solidifying while you pour.
You can't look too close at this one. The scrap iron is soaking up some BTU's and
will soon be starting to melt.
Melting iron makes the propane disappear a lot quicker than melting aluminium. The
19kg bottle shown here will do over 20 aluminium melts. I don't think it will do more than 4 or 5 iron melts, time
will tell.
Still picking up temperature, the inconel probe is only good to 1300 deg C,
but it has been run hotter than that today.
This is the iron after pouring into the mould. The mould is simply a hole
in the sand formed by an aerosol can. Note the iron all over the place - whoops.
Clicking the pic on the left will show a bigger one, not the video.
Just tried machining the iron to see if it's OK, seems to machine OK. Plenty of holes and other
faults in it - these were caused by bits of charcoal falling into the mould.